Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Getting Started with ATV Hacking

For those of you just joining us, there is a fairly involved process for hacking an apple tv that requires you to make a special boot drive on a usb disk. After booting this specially crafted software system your atv will be able to install 3rd party plugins.

Read the full guide for making an Apple TV Patchstick here:

Once you have SSH enabled, you will want to install the NitoTV plugin which will take care of installing several other components you'll want to make your Apple TV do more.

I have a feeling Apple is readying a big update and most of this stuff with stop working for a while... so get it installed and lock down your device to prevent the updates from wiping out all of your plugins. When it is safe to upgrade to the latest os you will hear about it on awkwardtv.

1 Comment:

Ami Z said...

incredible guide, I did was trying to create the patchstick under leopard and got an error "Copying Patchstick files...
- Perian not found in Library/QuickTime. Skipping..."
During patching, I never get to the 30 seconds count down or a restart, when I manually restart the coveted AkwardTV menu item is not there.

But other then that.. it was masterfully written, second only to the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy


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